I am.....

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an easy going person who enjoys the simple things...a good book, a scary movie, a cup of hot chocolate made by my love..just to name a few. I started this blog so I could play with some of the fun things I read in other blogs. Then I decided to take it a bit deeper and start using it to express my thoughts and feelings and just whatever comes to mind.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Break through

My last posting found me frustrated and somewhat ambivalent over my intimate relationship with Storm. It's funny how things work. That day she made a few almost flirty comments that I just kind of let slide by. I didn't feel like playing a game that wasn't going to go anywhere. I had decided that I needed to make myself feel better and so I planned to put fresh bedding on the bed and after dinner have myself a nice hot shower, shave all the bits that I do and spend soe time relaxing by myself in the bedroom listening to my music. It was a great plan and I was really looking forward to it.

I went into the bedroom and took a bedding set out of the chest - quilt cover, pillow cases, matress sheet - and tossed them all in the clothes dryer with a nice smelling fabric sheet to give them that freshly laundered feel and scent. I intended to change everything before dinner....then Storm came in to see what I was up to. We ended up lying snuggled up on the bed just chatting about nothing much really. It was nice. I have a serious case of skin hunger that hasn't been addressed much and even fully clothed just the cuddly warmth helped.

When it got to be about time to fix dinner and I hadn't gotten the bedding changed I decided that I had better say something about my plans so that they actually got done. She thought it was a great idea and said that she would join me in the pampering because she had gone a bit foresty in places herself. then she hugged me up and kissed my forehead and casually said that she'd like to shag me at some time that evening. Not exactly romantic, but it did make me grin. I gave her my own casual reply of "Oh? Really?" I wasn't going to get my hopes up. Things tend to happen that get in the way. At that point I was more interested in spending time pampering myself than seeing any action. That's how far it's gone. Sex would have been nice, if it happened, but I needed the me time more.

With two teens in the apartment and flimsy walls it can be a bit inhibiting. It was so much easier when they were little and had an early bedtime. And if they asked why mommy made that funny scream they could be fooled with a tale of the tickle monster or somesuch innocent thing. Not anymore. So after the bedding was changed and dinner was consumed I headed of for the shower. It was one of those showers that is more for enjoyment than just getting clean. I exfoliated until my skin was all tingly, I conditioned and moisturized and when I was all done I turned the water on cool and sealed it all in. I don't know if that actually works, but it feels so good. Storm had her turn when I was finished and while she did that I got a load of laundry set to wash and switched on the dryer as well. They are loud and placed between our bedroom and the living room area where the kids were...nice little trick, helps covers any untoward sounds. I slow told the kids not to disturb us unless it was an emergency. Cheeky little buggers just kind of shrugged and pulled out their headphones without blinking an eye.

When I came back into the bedroom the lights were out, a candle lit and soft jazz music was playing, very romantic....not to mention the naked woman waiting for me in the bed! It even made up for her next comment...."Want to do me first?" Sometimes I swear she is such a guy *snicker*

One thing about Storm is that she is a fantastic kisser. I could kiss her for hours and hours and never get tired of it. Our lips just fit together so perfectly. Combine that with her body all warm and naked against me and I was in heaven. Then Storm did something that completely bowled me over. She took my face in her hands and looked me in the eye and told me to go down on her. It was like touching a match to flash cotton. See, oral sex isn't something Storm has ever been into. It has always given her a sense of claustrophobia and kind of grossed her out. We've been together eight years and until this past summer I had only gotten to do it once, and then only for a couple of minutes before she couldn't deal with it anymore. Last summer she had a breakthrough and allowed me to do it for a bit longer after some very intense lead up. I wasn't allowed to settle between her legs for it, I had to lean over one thigh, so it wasn't what I always fantasized about, but it was a start. The other night was different. She guided me down her body, kept one hand tangled in my hair and settled a leg over each of my shoulders. And she talked to me, told me what she wanted me to do, how she wanted it done and she made soft little moans and noises of pleasure. As she got closer her grip on my hair got tighter and she told me to fuck her with two fingers. It was something out of one of my best loved fantasies, her pulling me closer by my hair and telling me how to please her. By the time I finished her I was wetter than I'd ever been in my life. It was amazing!!

Good news is, no claustrophobia for Storm. She says she really enjoyed it and I can definitely count on getting to do it more. She also said that for a relative first timer I did really good....go me! Only trouble is, now I can't stop thinking about it.....I want to do it again!!

I'm soooo greedy!!


Anonymous said...

W00H00! Sounds like a great night. ^_^
Glad things are getting better.

Dracona said...

Here's to breakthroughs and great sex!!