I am.....

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an easy going person who enjoys the simple things...a good book, a scary movie, a cup of hot chocolate made by my love..just to name a few. I started this blog so I could play with some of the fun things I read in other blogs. Then I decided to take it a bit deeper and start using it to express my thoughts and feelings and just whatever comes to mind.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Contemplating stuff

A quick catch up on happenings in my neck of the woods:

Friday I had to make an emergency call to my doctor to get a prescription for a condition I have that pops up every now and then. It has a wonderfully scary name, pyodermagangrenosum, or something like that. It's hurts, it leaves scars and it means I get put on a lovely drug called Prednisone. Nasty stuff, causes serious mood swings and other effects. It took all day for my doctor's office to call in my script to the pharmacy but they finally got it done just in time for me to pick it up before the pharmacy closed. I hurried down to get it and when I came out I found that my car was broken. It started fine, but I couldn't put it in gear. I had forgotten my cell phone and my house phone won't accept calls from pay phones for some reason. So I had to go back in the store and buy a phone card to call home. Storm had to call my friend next door and get her to bring her down to get me and have a look at the car. From what it was doing we figured the shifter cable had come undone or snapped. No choice but to leave the car in the parking lot and go home.

Next morning I call my insurance company and discover I can have the car towed for free. That was a whoohoo moment. But we couldn't have it dropped off here. There was no room to manuever the tow truck to get my car into my parking space and we could push the car because it was stuck in park. The tow truck driver agreed with our assessment that it was the shifter cable and said that it wasn't something that amatures could easily fix and suggested a mechanic. Again there wasn't really any choice. I don't know anyone with a driveway or space to park a car to be worked on so I said to just do it. But the mechanic was off until Monday so we would be stuck without a car the whole weekend. That meant that any plans Storm and I had to go out for Valentine's dinner were down the drain. That really put my mood in the crapper.

On a good note though, that morning Storm and I had exchanged sweet cards and inside the one she gave me was my Valentine's Day gift. A piece of paper with what looked like a flight schedule printed on it. There were seat assignments and a ticket number and flight number but I couldn't find a date! Finally I spotted it...right at the top in bold letters...May 2! Storm had changed her ticket yet again and given us another two weeks together. It was the best Valentine's present I have ever gotten.

Still, it wasn't the romantic Velntine's day I had hoped for. Even later when we were curled up in bed together, both freshly showered and me hoping for a wonderful evening of hot sex, things just didn't work out the way I envisioned. There was sex, there was orgasm...but it was quick and then it was over. I think I was just so desperate that I had the female version of premature ejaculation. I've never come so fast in my life. I was not at all amused, although Storm found it rather funny. Usually she is the one with the 'hair pin trigger' as she puts it. She especially laughed over my swearing as I came, not because it felt good but because it was over so quick. I had to really fight not to burst into tears because I knew it there wouldn't be more for a long while. That's just how it happens. I'll be lucky if we get around to it once more before she leaves me.

Anyway, we spent a fairly boring weekend trapped in the house. We did have W&D over for dinner on Sunday. It was a good meal, Storm made curry and it was yummy. W wasn't feeling too well though and they went home early. There was no school on Monday and then both kids were home again today, one sick the other on his last day of suspension for getting in a fight after school last Wednesday. That's a whole other drama. But I got my car back today! It was the shifter cable just as we all thought. It cost $260, parts and labor. Which I didn't have. So my parents paid for it. I feel about 3cm tall and kind of worthless. But at least I have my car.

So, I was checking out the list of blogs I follow and it occured to me that they are pretty much all sex-blogs. Most of the people I follow on Twitter are people who write the blogs I follow. Which makes sense actually. I don't really fit in with that crowd. I mean, I'm not exactly having hot wild sex to blog about, or much sex of any kind really. I haven't even been enjoying any solitary fun since Storm has been here, no private moments.

Not that I wanted this to be some kind of sex-blog when I started it. I just wanted to play along with some of the fun things like Microfantasy Monday and TMI Tuesday. Then I thought it might be a good place to dump thoughts and things and so on. But I'm not sure now that it's worth it. The mood I have been in lately anything I write tends to come out whiney sounding, and I hate that. Not that it matters really, I don't think anyone actually reads this. I did get some nice comments on my last two HNT posts, that felt good.

I'm an envious creature though. I read all these wonderful posts and I can feel the green tinge creeping over me. I want to be one of the ones having all that fun. I want to play and not have to worry that it will be weeks before the next time.

See...there I go again...whining.

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